"Flush Out, 
 Stuck Constipation!"

Achieve Effortless Daily Bowel Movements and Banish Belly Bloat Without the Need for Probiotics, Fiber, or Laxatives...


Discover how thousands who once struggled with constipation are now enjoying regular, comfortable bowel movements without pain, strain, or the need for harsh enemas!

Leading gut doctor Dr. Asha Patel from Ahmedabad has discovered a new way to clear bloating, ease constipation, and increase gut motility to restore perfect daily poops.

It involves eliminating digestion-slowing 'bacterial overgrowth' that can take over the digestive tract.

Keep reading to discover a new 7-second poop releasing ritual that can eliminate up to 10 pounds of constipation and help flatten a bloated belly.


Experience the transformative benefits of Aura Essence Belly Button Oil, designed to support your digestive health naturally.

Meet Dr. Asha Patel, A World-Renowned Expert on Digestion and Gut Movement

Dr. Asha Patel is a renowned Ayurvedic specialist dedicated to diagnosing and treating patients with digestive issues at the Ayurvedic Wellness and Digestive Health Center in India. As the founder of this practice, she focuses on GI motility disorders and sluggish digestion through Ayurvedic principles.


"My name is Dr. Asha Patel. I'm a board-certified Ayurvedic doctor and professor of Medicine based in India.

I served as the director of the Ayurvedic Digestive Wellness Center for several years and have also been affiliated with prestigious institutions dedicated to holistic health.

I'm the founder and director of the Ayurvedic Wellness and Digestive Health Center.

Many practitioners regard me as one of the world's foremost authorities on 'gut motility.'

If you've never heard that term, gut motility is simply another way of saying 'digestion speed' or 'pooping speed.'

In other words, gut motility measures how fast food travels through the gut and becomes waste.

If gut motility is too fast, the gut won't extract the proper nutrition from food, leading to diarrhea.

If it's too slow, people end up with dry, hard feces, or worse, constipation. This can cause unsightly belly bulge, unexplained weight gain, and the need to strain and struggle on the toilet."

Why Most Digestion ‘Remedies’ Do More Harm Than Good

These are issues I encounter almost daily in my practice in India, and I am well aware of the problems that arise from using temporary solutions.

Sure, some of these remedies may provide momentary relief...

But because they don't address the root cause, the symptoms return in a few days. With each recurrence, the gut becomes increasingly degraded, leading to persistent constipation, bloating, embarrassing gas, and spending hours on the toilet straining and struggling.

Helps Bulk Poop, but Also Feeds Bad Bacteria and Causes Bloating.

Fiber has been a common remedy for digestive issues for as long as I can remember. As a child, I recall seeing big orange cans of fiber on my uncle's counter.

While fiber can bulk up stool and expand inside the intestines, temporarily pushing things through and giving the impression of helping with constipation, it often exacerbates the problem..

However, many people with these symptoms have an overgrowth of bacteria.

👉🏽 The issue is that fiber FEEDS bad bacteria and parasites..

This leads to gas and uncomfortable, painful bloating. If you've tried certain fiber supplements, you know what I mean.

Additionally, most commercial fiber products are loaded with artificial sweeteners and flavors to mask the unpleasant taste, making them ineffective.

For those looking to restore their digestive health, commercial fiber supplements can do more harm than good

I'll show you a more natural way—a way that reduces bloating, gently speeds up bowel movements, and helps stools pass easily every day.

Dangerous Chemicals That Destroy the Colon With Use

Laxatives are chemicals, often polyethylene glycol, that force the body to push out the contents of the colon.

While laxatives can work temporarily, you should never rely on them, and here's why:

👉🏽 Laxatives actually destroy parts of the colon.

One study showed that the mucosal lining was negatively impacted to the point where the natural folds inside the intestine became completely smooth.

Once the colon loses its shape, form, and elasticity, it’s no longer effective in waste removal. This can lead to a dependency on laxatives, making it increasingly difficult to stop using them.

👉🏽 It's a dangerous cycle that leads to habitual use and worsening digestion with each use.

Moreover, using laxatives over time eradicates most of the body's healthy bacteria.

There's a simple way to restore and strengthen the body's good bacteria while deep-cleaning the small intestine and eliminating bacterial colonies and parasites.

Should Never Be Taken Orally (Here's Why)

Many remedies fail because they destroy the natural gut microbiome and kill most of the body's good bacteria.

Now you might be wondering... but what about probiotics?

Probiotics have surged in popularity over the past few years.

So why have bloating and constipation increased sharply during the same period?

Probiotics are beneficial when they reach the right place.

But here's the problem: How do you bypass the stomach's destructive acid and get them to the large intestine?

The small intestine should be kept clean and free from bacteria at all times.

Fermented vegetables and naturally occurring probiotics in food (not supplements) have the highest chance of reaching the large intestine intact.

The Surprising "Root Cause"

Of Bloating, Gas and Constipation

Before we discuss how methane affects the gut, let's understand how food and waste move through the digestive tract.

Food moves through the gut using a process called peristalsis. Peristalsis is the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the intestinal muscles, creating wave-like movements that push contents along the digestive tract.

Nerve endings throughout the walls of the intestines sense where the food is and act accordingly, pushing it through the digestive tract.

Additionally, there’s the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC), which are the 'waves' that clean and flush out the digestive system. These cleaning waves should occur approximately every 4 hours.

When constipation and bloating occur, it indicates that these waves have slowed dramatically. For many years, even the top gut doctors found this slowdown puzzling.

A recent study from The Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia revealed that the presence of methane gas drastically slows peristalsis waves.

When this slowdown occurs, blockages become even more severe, extending into the small intestine and eventually reaching the stomach. This can lead to nausea, ulcers, and heartburn.

This situation fosters further bacterial overgrowth and increased production of methane gas. In addition to its unpleasant odor, this gas causes the belly to protrude, making everyday living very uncomfortable.

As a result, people end up constipated, squeezing and straining, experiencing nausea, and feeling fatigued and unwell.

You might now be wondering, where does the methane gas come from in the first place? That's a very good question...

"It Slows Digestion To A Grinding

Halt. And Here’s Where It Comes From...

You see, it's well known that digestion-slowing methane gas is actually the byproduct of microscopic invaders called Archaea.

Archaea are ancient, single-celled organisms that can live in extreme environments like salt lakes or hot springs and also inside animal and human guts.

It's an infestation – a rogue colony of methane-producing bacteria that have settled in the small intestine, an area that needs to be relatively clean.

Methane gas, the waste product from these organisms, transforms the gut into an environment that suits their offspring and colonies.

These parasitic invaders slow down bowel movements to increase their feeding time and prevent their expulsion from the body.

They create an environment where their colonies thrive, while their human host becomes constipated, backed up, and miserable.

These organisms can affect the brain, causing cravings and generally hijacking the gut for their own purposes at the expense of one's health.



How A Clogged Colon Can Lead to

SIBO, Parasites, Leaky Gut And

Unexplained Weight Gain

When the gut loses its ability to efficiently push its contents through, it results in a toxic buildup of sludge, bacterial colonies, and parasites.

Bacterial overgrowth is rarely detected by doctors. Sadly, it silently steals energy, vitality, and health.

Their goal is to expand the colony, so they send signals to the brain to overeat. Overeating accelerates their colony growth.

All of these organisms produce waste products that enter the bloodstream, making one feel sick, tired, and vulnerable to excessive weight gain.

👉🏽 Ultimately, these organisms and their byproduct, methane gas, slow down digestion, causing constipation and the buildup of fecal matter in the colon.



Brush Border Damage

First, bacteria produce toxic byproducts that damage the brush border of the small intestines. The brush border is the absorptive surface of intestinal cells, and when it is healthy, it produces enzymes that break down food. Once this process is damaged, digestion slows even more.


Cell Lining Damage

Hidden colonies of bacteria may also damage the cell lining of the small intestine (the mucosa), causing significant interference with the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. This can result in leaky gut, food intolerances, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These deficiencies cause cravings that can’t be satisfied, no matter how much you eat.


Hiding Organisms

Some of these organisms like to burrow into the intestine to hide. This creates small tears in the intestine, allowing their toxic byproducts, undigested food, and microscopic pieces of poop to leak into the bloodstream, causing headaches, fatigue, and joint pain.


The KEY Is To Stop The Production

of Methane Gas At The Source...

What if there was something people could do at home, using safe and natural ingredients to clear out every foreign invader that slows digestion?

This could bring relief to hundreds of thousands of people around the world who can’t make it to my practice.

No more worrying about digestive issues when going out with friends. No more concerns about how certain foods will affect digestion...

👉🏽 No more unwanted, unexplained weight gain or worrying about what to wear or how to hide a bloated belly.

So I began researching every natural ingredient and at-home method I could find to gently eliminate the overgrowth of archaea and naturally restore balance to the gut microbiome. There are tens of thousands of ingredients out there, and most of them have little to no clinical studies.

It wasn’t until I started looking at rare, exotic ingredients used in Southeast Asia that I found what I was looking for.


3 Ways Aura Essence Oil Helps People Achieve "Perfect Poops"

Aura Essence Oil is a scientifically-backed breakthrough that flushes out pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and toxins, eliminating bloating and embarrassing gas while strengthening the gut microbiome.

Say goodbye to spending hours on the toilet with painful straining, excessive wiping, chafing, and painful hemorrhoids. Aura Essence Oil has helped thousands of people flatten their waistlines by “flushing out the bloat” and eliminating 10 or more pounds of toxic poop fermenting inside the belly.

Increases Motility: Aura Essence Oil enhances motility, or pooping speed, ensuring that toxic waste doesn’t stay stuck fermenting inside the gut. It restores peristalsis waves, which regularly clean out the intestines.
Clears Out Harmful Invaders: Aura Essence Oil effectively clears out bacteria and parasites that have formed colonies deep within the folds of the intestines. It supports a healthy gut microbiome, reduces embarrassing gas and painful bloating, and cleans out other toxic byproducts of these rogue invaders.
Calms Nerves and Relaxes Muscles: Aura Essence Oil calms the nerves and relaxes tight intestinal muscles, allowing stools to effortlessly glide out of the colon. This gives a feeling of complete release and elimination daily.
I love eating out with my friends in Mumbai, especially enjoying Indian and Italian foods. However, since I entered my 30s, I’ve been experiencing stomach upset after big meals, especially after indulging in delicious pasta, pizza, rice, desserts, or chole bhature. It reached a point where I felt like I couldn’t enjoy dining out with friends anymore.

Then I discovered Aura Essence Oil. Now, I just take a few drops of Aura Essence Oil after I eat, and I never feel the painful bloating or indigestion anymore! It works like magic!

Priya S.

✅ Verified customer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Working out and eating healthy is my passion, but I still get gas and constipation weekly. I eat a lot of veggies and healthy salads, which might be the problem – I’ve heard too much fiber can cause digestive issues.

 Recently, I tried Aura Essence Oil, and all the symptoms went away. Not to mention, the incredible anti-aging combo of Juglans and Linum Usitatissimum in this formula. Aura Essence Oil is keeping me young and free of digestive upsets. LOVE!!!


Anjali R.

✅ Verified customer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Aura Essence Oil's Clinical Supported Ingrendients Promte Total Gut Cleansing and Detoxification 


Ricinus communis: The Ayurvedic Digestive Superpower

Ricinus communis, commonly known as castor oil plant, has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Revered for its powerful healing properties, it has played a significant role in ancient and traditional medicine across various cultures.

Extensively studied by scientists and health experts worldwide, Ricinus communis remains a cornerstone in Ayurvedic practices, particularly for its effectiveness in promoting digestive health.

Ricinus communis acts like an army of friendly soldiers that march straight to the gut, eliminating harmful gut invaders that may have hijacked the body.


Not only does it help eliminate the harmful bacteria that have taken over the gut, but it also aids in fully emptying the bowels every day, making you feel light and energetic again.

Say goodbye to uncomfortable gas, painful straining, and excessive wiping...

Wave goodbye to that "bloated belly look" and hello to a slim, trim midsection that feels confident and healthy...

Unlike antibiotics, which are often overprescribed and can do more harm than good, Ricinus communis eliminates harmful bacteria without damaging the friendly microbiome in the gut.

Studies have shown that Ricinus communis boosts and strengthens the friendly flora. Research indicates that it can effectively reduce bacterial overgrowth and eliminate harmful bacteria, but without the side effects.

In various studies, Ricinus communis has been shown to not only destroy harmful bacteria and other gut invaders but also boost healthy flora, which has its own incredible health benefits.

Ricinus communis has many other healing qualities, including lowering inflammation, reducing pain, and promoting detoxification. It’s also great for weight loss because it activates the body’s natural detox pathways.

The more I discovered about Ricinus communis, the more I knew it would be a game-changer for my patients.

But remember, Ricinus communis alone can be challenging to absorb and not very bioavailable.

That's why I started experimenting with other gut-healing ingredients that can be combined to increase bioavailability and deliver faster, more permanent results.


Juglans (Walnut): The Ultimate Gut Cleanser

Juglans, commonly known as walnut, is celebrated for its remarkable health benefits, particularly in gut health. Rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Walnuts help promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. They also have natural antibacterial properties that help cleanse the gut of harmful pathogens.


Juglans aids in enhancing bowel movements and preventing constipation, making it an essential ingredient for achieving perfect poops.


Sesamum Indicum (Sesame): The Ancient Digestive Aid

Sesamum indicum, or sesame seeds, have been used for thousands of years for their medicinal properties. Rich in fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants, sesame seeds are excellent for promoting digestive health.

Sesame seeds help lubricate the intestines, making it easier for stools to pass through, reducing the chances of constipation. They also support the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which is essential for a balanced gut microbiome.

Sesamum indicum is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help soothe the digestive tract and reduce bloating and discomfort.


Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower): The Bile Booster

Carthamus tinctorius, commonly known as safflower, has been used in traditional medicine for its digestive benefits. Safflower helps stimulate bile production, which is essential for breaking down fats and aiding digestion.

Bile acids from safflower help soften stools, providing additional lubrication for easy bowel movements. This reduces the chances of constipation and promotes regularity.

Safflower also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, further supporting gut health.


Linum Usitatisssimum (Flaxseed): The Intestinal Healer

Linum usitatissimum, or flaxseed, is known for its rich content of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignans. These compounds make flaxseed a powerful ingredient for promoting digestive health.

Flaxseed helps increase the mucus production in the intestines, providing a protective layer that eases the passage of stools. 


 It also supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and helps reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.

Flaxseed's high fiber content helps bulk up stools and promotes regular bowel movements, preventing constipation and ensuring a healthy digestive system.

Experience Relief From Bloating and Constipation with Aura Essence Oil

By combining these powerful ingredients, Aura Essence Oil provides a natural and effective solution for achieving perfect poops and maintaining optimal gut health. 

Say goodbye to digestive discomfort and hello to a healthier, happier you.

I love eating out with my friends in Mumbai, especially enjoying Indian and Italian foods. However, since I entered my 30s, I’ve been experiencing stomach upset after big meals, especially after indulging in delicious pasta, pizza, rice, desserts, or chole bhature. It reached a point where I felt like I couldn’t enjoy dining out with friends anymore.

Then I discovered Aura Essence Oil. Now, I just take a few drops of Aura Essence Oil after I eat, and I never feel the painful bloating or indigestion anymore! It works like magic!

Priya S.

✅ Verified customer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Working out and eating healthy is my passion, but I still get gas and constipation weekly. I eat a lot of veggies and healthy salads, which might be the problem – I’ve heard too much fiber can cause digestive issues.

 Recently, I tried Aura Essence Oil, and all the symptoms went away. Not to mention, the incredible anti-aging combo of Juglans and Linum Usitatissimum in this formula. Aura Essence Oil is keeping me young and free of digestive upsets. LOVE!!!


Anjali R.

✅ Verified customer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The 7-Second Morning Ritual with AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Rituals Combo

 Unlock the secret to perfect digestion and complete bowel elimination with our simple 7-second morning ritual using the AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Rituals Combo. 
Inspired by Ayurvedic wisdom, this combo helps soften and loosen hardened stool, providing relief from constipation and bloating. Here’s how you can start your day feeling light and refreshed: 

 Step-by-Step Guide: 

 1. Prepare the Oil: Begin your morning by taking a small amount of AuraEssence Belly Button Oil from the combo pack. This unique blend of Ricinus Communis, Juglans, Sesamum Indicum, Carthamus Tinctorius, and Linum Usitatissimum is designed to promote digestive health.

2. Apply to Belly Button: Gently warm the oil between your palms and apply a few drops directly into your belly button. This traditional Ayurvedic practice targets the Nabhi Marma (navel center), which is connected to over 72,000 nerves and pathways in your body. 

3. Massage Gently: Using your fingertips, massage the oil into your belly button in a clockwise direction for 7 seconds. This helps stimulate the digestive system, enhances gut motility, and prepares your body for the day ahead. 

4.  Take AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Pills: Follow the oil application with the recommended dosage of AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Pills. These pills work synergistically with the oil to cleanse your digestive system and promote regular bowel movements.

5. Hydrate: Complete the ritual with a glass of warm water to aid digestion and hydration. Warm water helps flush out toxins and supports smooth bowel movements. 

Complete Bowel Elimination: Achieve full and complete elimination, relieving constipation and preventing the buildup of hardened stool. 

Improved Digestion: Naturally enhance your digestive health without relying on fiber supplements, probiotics, or laxatives. 

Stress Relief: Reduce stress and promote relaxation, supporting overall well-being. Menstrual Pain Relief: Experience relief from menstrual pain and discomfort.

Enhanced Memory and Vision: Regular use can also contribute to improved memory and eyesight. 

Why AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Rituals Combo? 
The AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Rituals Combo is crafted with the finest Ayurvedic ingredients, offering a natural and holistic approach to digestive health. Trust in the power of Ayurveda to transform your mornings and improve your health.

Try It Today! Incorporate the 7-second morning ritual with the AuraEssence ConstiHerbo Rituals Combo into your daily routine and experience the profound benefits for yourself. Say goodbye to constipation, bloating, and discomfort, and embrace a healthier, more vibrant you.


30 Day Supply (1+1 Bottle)

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150 Day Supply (5+5 Bottle)

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90 Day Supply (3+3 Bottle)

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Frequently Asked Questions


The information provided about Aura Essence Nabhi Belly Button Oil is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health or wellness regimen. Results may vary from person to person. 

 Aura Essence Nabhi Belly Button Oil is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The statements regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other health authority. 

 Use this product as directed. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if adverse reactions occur.

Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing without first consulting your physician. This product is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.

 By purchasing this product, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer and assume all risks associated with its use.

What Makes Aura Essence Different from Probiotics?

Probiotics have exploded in popularity over the last decade. So why has our gut health continued to worsen during this time?

Probiotics, in theory, are great. The beneficial effects of good bacteria are well-established in scientific literature. However, there's an important piece of the puzzle that nobody is talking about.

Too much bacteria in the small intestine can be just as bad, or in many cases worse, than not having enough bacteria. Bacterial overgrowth is actually one of the most common causes of heartburn, bloating, unexplained nausea, constipation, and excess gas. 

 In fact, up to 60% of people who suffer from bloating, constipation, and digestive upsets are actually found to have bacterial overgrowth in their small intestines. 

Giving probiotics to someone with an imbalanced gut microbiome is like trying to plant a garden on farmland that was previously used as a toxic waste dump. That's why probiotics alone will never solve the problem. Adding more bacteria to a system that is already suffering from too much bacteria is a recipe for disaster. And if you've tried probiotics and they didn't work, you can relate to this. 

Aura Essence works in a completely different way. 

Instead of forcing more bacteria into an environment that may already have too many bacteria, Aura Essence is designed to change the environment using gut microbiome modulators—powerful plant-based molecules proven to increase healthy friendly flora. With Aura Essence, you'll increase the health-protecting friendly flora, start feeling more energy throughout the day, achieve full elimination in the bathroom every morning, curb annoying cravings, get lean and trim, and finally feel good about yourself. 

Trust me, if crops aren't growing because the soil is toxic, adding more 'seeds' isn't going to solve the problem. Instead, you have to change the environment, detoxify the soil, add minerals, nutrients, and fertilizer, and rotate the crops. 

That's the only way you're going to get things working the way they’re supposed to.

Can Aura Essence Be Taken with Probiotics?

Absolutely. In fact, early research suggests that Aura Essence will make probiotics more effective than taking probiotics alone. A 2016 study showed that probiotics' benefits were markedly enhanced by one of Aura Essence's primary ingredients, Ricinus Communis.

Think of it this way: Aura Essence makes the gut environment more hospitable to friendly flora and less hospitable to harmful bacteria. If your gut isn't in good shape, probiotics alone won't be effective.

A 2017 study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology demonstrated that probiotics were ineffective at preventing bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. In other words, if the gut environment is not friendly, no amount of probiotics can fix the situation. 

However, if the gut environment is favorable, any amount of friendly flora, even from the food you eat, is enough. Most people don't realize that they get probiotics daily from their diet—just one apple has 100 million units of probiotics.

A healthy gut environment attracts health-boosting friendly flora, just as a sick gut environment attracts disease-causing pathogenic bacteria. 

Therefore, it might be said that probiotics shouldn't be taken without Aura Essence. If you've tried probiotics in the past without benefit, try Aura Essence first to create an environment where probiotics can thrive. 

Once your digestion is working well again, with regular bowel movements, less heartburn, and fewer annoying cravings, you can decide to try probiotics again and see if they help you further.

Will Aura Essence Help Me Lose Weight?

Absolutely! The primary function of Aura Essence is to naturally balance the gut 
environment, increasing beneficial flora and supporting the delicate lining of the digestive tract. However, it also supports weight loss in two significant ways: 
 1. Metabolic Boost: -
Accelerates Metabolism:  Weight gain is closely related to how well you digest and metabolize food. Aura Essence enhances fat-burning metabolism by stimulating glycolysis and preserving the function of mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of your cells.  
Activates AMPK: Aura Essence's key to fat burning lies in activating AMPK (Adenosine MonoPhosphate-Activated Protein Kinase), a metabolic master switch. This boosts fat burning by improving mitochondrial function. 
Reduces Fat Storage:  Aura Essence blocks the fat storage enzyme lipoprotein lipase and enhances the efficiency of hormones like insulin, leptin, and adiponectin, which play significant roles in weight loss.      

2.  Gut Microbiome Modulation:- 
  • Ricinus Communis, Juglans, Sesamum Indium, Carthamus Tinctorius, and Linum Usitatissimum Combination:  These ingredients work together to modulate the gut microbiome, activating powerful fat-burning flora and reducing bacteria that lead to fat storage, weight gain, cravings, and disease. Ricinus Communis, known for its detoxifying properties, becomes even more effective when combined with Juglans, Sesamum Indium, Carthamus Tinctorius, and Linum Usitatissimum, significantly boosting their fat-burning capabilities. 
By addressing these two mechanisms, Aura Essence not only helps you achieve better digestion and overall health but also supports effective and sustainable weight loss.

What is Nabhi Therapy?

Nabhi therapy, also known as navel therapy, involves applying oils to the navel to improve health and wellness, based on Ayurvedic principles.

How often should I use AuraEssence Nabhi Belly Button Oil?

For best results, use the oil daily, preferably before bedtime.

Can this oil help with specific digestive issues?

Yes, our formulation is designed to relieve bloating, constipation, and indigestion.

Is AuraEssence suitable for all skin types?

While AuraEssence Nabhi Belly Button Oil is formulated with natural ingredients and is generally suitable for most skin types, individual reactions may vary. We recommend conducting a patch test before full application to ensure there are no adverse reactions. 

 If you have sensitive skin, allergies, or pre-existing skin conditions, please consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist before using this product. Discontinue use immediately if irritation or discomfort occurs and seek medical advice if necessary. 

 AuraEssence Nabhi Belly Button Oil is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any skin-related issues. The statements regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other health authority. 

 Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water. 

Can I use this oil during pregnancy?

We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before using any new product during pregnancy.